Privacy Policy


This notice provides a summary of the full NLP Academy Privacy Statement. Both the notice and the NLP Academy Privacy Statement apply to information collected by NLP Academy Ltd via the website and in any manner described in the NLP Academy Privacy Statement.

Personal Information

We collect personal data about you when you enrol as a learner. If you are applying for government funding, we may ask you for additional information and for your consent to use it to clarify whether you are eligible for funding.

We may use the data we collect from you to inform you of NLP related courses and products that match your profile as a learner.

We use cookies and other technologies to keep track of how you interact with our website and to target advertising.Â

Purposes and Disclosures

We use your personal information to deal with your queries, to provide you with the services you request, to determine the appropriate course for you and to assess whether you are eligible for government funding (if available).

Depending on the preferences indicated by you, we may use your personal data to contact you about NLP Academy developments and offers and for customer feedback.

We do not disclose your information to third parties, but we may partner with third parties who offer NLP and personal development services and offer their services to you or whom may take over some or all of the NLP Academy business in the future.

Your Choices

You can request that:

  • Your details not be used for marketing purposes

  • We provide you with a copy of the information we hold about you (we will charge you a small fee)

  • That we correct inaccuracies in your information.

  • You may also turn cookies off in your browser. However if you do so, you may not be able to use certain features on the website.


Important Information

Your personal data is protected by UK data protection law. You can find the details for the UK Information Commissioner at
You can access more information on our privacy practices in the full privacy statement set out later in this document

How to contact us

To obtain a copy of your personal data, to correct inaccuracies or if you have any queries or concerns about how we handle your personal data, please contact:Â

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
NLP Academy Ltd
The Pavilions, 35B Brighton Road
South Croydon
Telephone – +44 (0) 20 8686 9952
Email –

Full Privacy Statement

By using this website you accept the terms of this privacy statement, the copyright statement and the terms and conditions on this website.

Our commitment to privacy

This privacy statement explains how NLP Academy Limited (referred to as “we”, “us” or NLP Academy collects information from you via the website or in any manner expressly described in the privacy statement and how this informatio is then used.

When you provide us with your personal data you consent to us processing all such personal data as set out in the privacy statement.

Please read this privacy statement carefully and revisit this page from time to time to review any changes that we may have made. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we handle your personal information, please ring us on +44 (0) 20 8686 9952 or email us.

Please read below for more information about our policies and practices in relation to your personal data.

  • Giving information for other people

  • The information we collect during registration or enrolment

  • Other information we collect to see if you can have government funding

  • Learner files

  • The information we collect when you access course materials

  • The information we collect when you enter competitions

  • Other information we collect

  • Sensitive personal data

  • How we use the information we collect

  • Third parties and sponsors

  • Keeping you informed

  • Funding

  • Requests for information

  • Protecting your personal information

  • Keeping your personal data

  • Cookies and other technologies

  • Your rights

  • Links

  • Other information


Giving information for other people

When you give us information about another person, the other person must have agreed to let:

  • us process all their personal data and

  • you receive any data protection notices for them.


When you send information for someone else, you are confirming that you have told them:

  • which data they must give;

  • which information is voluntary and

  • how they can access and, if necessary, correct the data we hold about them.


The information we collect during the enrolment process

When you enroll with us, you (or the person enrolling you) must tell us:

  • your full name

  • your gender

  • your date of birth

  • your address (and correspondence address if different)

  • primary telephone number

  • your employment status

  • where you heard about us

  • your NLP experience to date


Following enrolment via the website we may request additional personal data from you in order to further support your learning.
You do not have to provide this information, but if you do not, you may not get the most out of your learning.
When you register on our website you choose a username and a password
You will be given a choice to opt in for the NLP Academy Newsletter.
You will also be given a choice to opt in or out for the following communication from us

  • E mail

  • Phone

  • Post

  • SMS


Other information we collect to see if you can have government funding

If government funding is available for any of our courses, you need to answer some other questions to see if you are eligible for funding. If you wish to take advantage of any such funding, you will be asked about:

  • your age

  • your education so far

  • your citizenship status and

  • where you live and how long you have lived there.


We, or our approved learning providers, may require additional information from you in order to support an application for funding. If you do not want to provide us with this information, we will not be able to offer you the course at the reduced price.

Learner File

When you start your learning the NLP Academy will create a Learner File to hold the documents (electronic copies of certificates) which relate to your learning and evidence of proof of identity and funding eligibility.

The NLP Academy will also keep an electronic record of all courses you attend with us as well as summary of any contact you with us via phone or email.

As you progress through your learning other documents, including some of your course work, may be held on this file.

The information we collect when you enter competitions

From time to time we may run competitions and promotions on the website. If you enter these, we may ask for your name, address, email address and username so that we can administer and control the competition and, of course, notify the winners.

Other information we collect

If you require general information about our courses and newsletter, please go to the ‘register’ button on the website, we will then ask you to provide us with the following information:

  • Title

  • Name

  • An indication of courses in which you are interested

  • Where you heard about us

  • A contact telephone number

  • E Mail address


You can also decide to give us an additional telephone number.

At or before enrolment you may be asked for sensitive personal information but you do not have to provide it. Where we invite you to provide such information, we will ask you to consent to our proposed uses of such data. If you do not wish to provide this information you may select the “Not Known / Not Provided” option.

You may also volunteer sensitive personal data to us or our approved learning providers, for example, when you submit a query or comment to us via the website or some other means of communication.

If you do so, you explicitly consent to our using such information as described in this Privacy Statement.

How we use the information we collect

We use your personal information and your Learner File:

  • to answer your queries or complaints

  • to deliver our services, for example on-line tools to test your skills

  • to support your learning

  • to provide course materials

  • to carry out administration

  • to improve the quality of services

  • to support your application for government funding

  • for general statistics and research

  • for obtaining any relevant professional advice


As may be required by law or in connection with legal proceedings (including cases where we intend to take legal proceedings), or as may be necessary to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

Third parties and sponsors

To achieve the purposes set out in this privacy statement we may need to share your information and Learner File with people we choose to partner with, who offer personal development services.
We may also give your information to third parties who may take over part or all of the NLP Academy business in the future, but only for the purposes outlined in this privacy statement.
Communications between you and your tutor using any of the tools or functions we make available may be monitored by NLP Academy staff to check the quality of tutor support. NLP Academy staff and auditors may also access these communications when we want to investigate or audit learner funding arrangements.

Keeping you informed

The NLP Academy will use your information to send you regular updates about:

  • our services and materials

  • additions to the website

  • specific activities such as customer feedback surveys and competitions


If you enroll on an NLP Academy course but do not wish to receive this information, you can inform us via our website via email or telephone.

If you do wish to receive information about NLP Academy developments and offers by telephone, email and/or SMS, please invite us to contact you by ticking the appropriate boxes on our registration page.

If at any time, you change your mind about receiving updates, you can change your preferences by contacting us by email or phone.


We, and our approved learning providers, may use your personal data to process or to support any application made for funding associated with your learning. For these purposes we, or our approved learning providers, will share the information you supply with the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in England and associated bodies. The LSC may in turn share it with the European Social Fund, or other relevant bodies.

We, or our approved learning providers, may also share it with the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) so that it can check our use of public monies. If you do not want us to use your personal data for these purposes, we will not be able to offer you the course at the reduced price.

We, or the government agency providing funding for your course, may use your personal data and Learner File to investigate a suspected misuse of public monies or other fraudulent activity by any person relating to your learning activity. In doing so, we, or the government agency providing funding for your course, may disclose your information to other government agencies to establish whether there has been any duplication of funding for your course. We may also contact you for the purposes of any such investigation.

Requests for information

If you are not registering for a course but are simply making an enquiry or request for information, we will use your personal information to reply to your enquiry or request.

Protecting your personal information

We are registered as a data controller (in our registered company name of NLP Academy Ltd in line with the UK Data Protection Act, 1998. As a registered data controller, we are required to take appropriate technical measures to protect your personal information including making a regular backup of our system and data.

We have security measures in place to make sure any personal information we collect is secure. Your account is password protected and all information including your password is on a secure server, which only a limited number of employees can access. All parties with access to your information are subject to confidentiality obligations. If you think someone else knows your password, or is using it, tell us immediately and we will investigate, and provide you with a new password.

Even though we take appropriate technical steps to protect your security, you should remember that data transmission over the internet cannot always be guaranteed as 100% secure so you use the website at your own risk.

Keeping your personal data

We keep personal data and Learner Files:

  • for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for

  • as required by law; or

  • to enforce or defend legal claims


Cookies and other technologies

Cookies – Cookies are small text files which are sent to your browser by a web server and stored on your personal computer’s hard disk. We use cookies on our site to:

  • cut down the number of times you have to type in data;

  • record the success of advertising, to target advertising and to track visitor usage; and

  • track responses to regular customer surveys and to make sure you don’t see the same survey more than once.


The cookies used on the website do not collect your personal information.
You can disable cookies but if you do, you may not be able to use certain features on our site and you may need to enter your password more frequently.

Transparent gif files – Some of our webpages may contain invisible electronic tags that allow us count users that have visited certain pages. These files are only used to identify which advertisements bring customers to our website and you cannot be identified by them. They are not issued by us but by the relevant advertising provider. You can find out more about cookie type devices issued by third party advertisers by clicking through to the website operated by the relevant advertiser.
In any event, you can find out more information about electronic tags, if you go to the ‘All About Cookies’ website

Your rights

You have the right to ask for a copy of all the information we hold about you and to correct any inaccuracies. To obtain a copy of this information, please ring us on +44 (0) 208 686 9952


Our website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and we advise you to read the privacy statement of every website that collect personal information from you.