Pinch, Punch first of the month

July 22, 2012

Evening, I hope everyone is doing well and getting into the Olympic Spirit. What a fantastic day for medals it has been for team GB with glory in both the cycling and rowing events, a special well done to Bradley Wiggins who surely has the accolade of the greatest British athlete of all time with his combined Olympic and Tour de France successes.

It is now just 19 days to the first of our ‘NLP in the Sun’ events, the NLP practitioner training with John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll. There is still time to book on to this if you have not already. I can’t wait it will be AWESOME!!

The Masters was a fantastic success, it always strikes me the differences in our students from when they walk through the academy doors on the first day, their developments were phenomenal well done to all of them!! Now we are in the process of writing up our feedback and development areas for them before the certifications are given out, our standards are very high here and this is shown in the quality of work our practitioners do with others and themselves.
I’ve been lucky to see a few Olympic events this weekend and will be in Earl’s court tomorrow to watch the volleyball; if you are there it would be great to connect.

Until next time.


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