October 30, 2012

In NLP states human beings build their individual models through a process of neurological (f1) and then linguistic (f2) transforms. After being represented in FA (first access) the information is transformed through the f2 processing to form a linguistic internal representation that is far removed from the FA map. The linguistic internal representation is then transformed further to the verbal expression.

The Meta Model
The Meta Model originated from a modelling project the NLP co-founders conducted on Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls. Grinder and Bandler used transformational grammar to map the patterns. They also added some patterns to create the full model.

The Meta Model is a recursive verbal model, a collection of syntactic patterns with challenges in the form of questions to assist the client expand his/her mental map of possibilities or to discover that have no idea what they are talking about. (Grinder and Bostic 2001)

The Meta Model enables the client to have access to the information that is missing in verbal expression.  The Practitioner uses Meta Model questions to direct the client’s attention to the specific portions of his map, whereby the client can access the choices that had previously been edited.

The Milton Model

Erickson was a world-renowned clinical hypnotist. When Grinder and Bandler modelled Milton Erickson they noticed that Erickson’s language patterns could also be coded using the transformational grammar model. Erickson’s language was artfully vague and full of ambiguities which overloaded the client’s conscious processing, inducing an altered state in the client. Such language structure directs the client’s attention internally as (s)he goes on a mental search to create conscious meaning, meanwhile the unconscious mind accepts the suggestions embedded in the ambiguous statement, creating unconscious understanding.

The Milton Model is an excellent way for you as an NLP Practitioner to communicate with a client on multiple levels of consciousness. The Practitioner uses the Milton Model to be artfully vague but in a specific way that directs a client’s unconscious towards a set of choices for the client.  When used effectively, the client will arrive at multiple conscious and unconscious meanings. The Practitioner uses the model to bypass the client’s conscious critical mind.

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