June Newsletter Best bits

June 3, 2012

Things have been warming up with the weather here in the UK, and things are certainly getting more than hot at the NLP Academy, with an action packed schedule of summer events lined up for you to enjoy. In August and September we will be going to beautiful Spain to run our summer season of events. NLP in the Sun is just so appealing, as you will see below.

We have seen a significant increase in companies approaching us to deliver high end sales courses. Michael Carroll, without doubt is the best NLP sales trainer in the busines and loves running sales courses. The free article this month is called ‘High Performance Selling’ and in this newsletter you can find details of a brand new programme from Michael called ‘The Science of Sales Artistry’ which makes available to you the tools Michael shares within companies.

The FREE video this month is on Epistemology and builds on last month’s video, the practice group is on New Code NLP.

Enoy the read and following experiences

Video Of the Month: NLP Epistemology Part 2

Epistemology is the theory of how we know what we know, NLP presents us with an excellent model of epsistemolgy. In this video, Michael offers a simple but effective description of Epistemology.

Article of The Month: High Performance Selling By Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll began selling financial services product 1986. He had a broken leg and was hobbling around London on crutches. In his first month he was number one salesman in the company and four years later he OWNED the company. Now that is high performance selling. This article focuses on the mind set and skill set of high performers. This is a great read, enjoy!
Click here to Read
NLP Academy: Social Networking opportunities

The NLP Academy is on Facebook. We reguarly add new videos, articles, blogs as well as posting special offers on this page. We have an active membership where posters ask/answer questions and share learning opportunities with each other. Click here for more info

Keep us with us on twitter as well. Click here for more info

Current course schedule
 Click for more info

Introduction to NLP
15 – 16 June 2012
With Michael and Jack Carroll

A great introduction into what NLP and where you can use it.

The Science of Sales Artistry
2 – 3 July 2012
With Michael Carroll

The Science of Sales artistry is a four stage program that combines consultancy, training and coaching to enable you as a sales person dramatically improve your sales outputs.


6 – 8 July 2012
With Bill Phillips

You can now learn the fastest method ever developed for reading anything.

NLP Master Practitioner

15 – 26 July 2012
With Michael Carroll

Learn to model, present, advanced healing work, conversational language patterning, advanced nlp patterns and self mastery,

NLP in the sun: NLP Practitioner training in Spain

19- 30 August 2012
With John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair, Michael Carroll and Bill Phillips

NLP where it’s best learned, in the SUN

NLP in the Sun; NLP Trainers Training in Spain

2 – 20 September 2012
With John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll

Learn and be certifiedfrom the direct sources the co creator of NLP John Grinder and New Code NLP Co developers Michael Carroll and Carmen Bostic St Clair, the most authentic and comprehensive trainers training in the world.

Essential Training and Presentation skills

2 – 7 September 2012
With John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair and Michael Carroll

Breakthrough your fears and learn the most effective NLP skills for presentations for any setting.

Current course schedule Click for more info

Latest insights from our experts

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