Healing with NLP and Hypnosis

December 22, 2012

NLP and Hypnosis can have a dramatic effect when applied to healing physical issues. Michael Carroll has an amazing track record of helping people with chronic health conditions including advanced levels of cancer healing. Michael’s experience is built on 16 years of honing NLP and hypnosis techniques in private practice for health and well being. You can now learn these techniques in an amazing workshop taking place on the 25-27 January 2013.

Michael has also been keen to investigate other fields and learn new ways for healing and working with people who have experienced trauma.  Michael has invited leading trainer of Thought Field Therapy, Kevin Laye, to the Academy to run a two day certification in the techniques Roger Callahan pioneered to work with trauma and deep rooted emotional issues.

These courses together will make an outstanding contribution to any change agent’s skill set for working with physical issues and trauma.

As it’s the Season of Goodwill, and because we believe these techniques will make a significant difference to peoples’ lives, we have an amazing offer for you and this opportunity is available for the next 7 days.

Healing with NLP and Hypnosis: 25 - 27 January 2013

With Michael Carroll

At this three day practical workshop you will learn the NLP and Hypnosis techniques to have choice with your own health and learn how to connect with the inner healer within through creating a strong connection with your unconscious mind. You will also learn how to apply deep healing patterns with others using hypnotic inductions, advanced NLP skills, personal congruence and unbreakable unconscious rapport .This workshop is a must for anyone working with other people with health issues or anyone wanting to work through any present health issues and achieve optimum health. click here or call +44 (0)20 8686 9952

Christmas Special

Investment £999 + VAT (£1198.80)
Christmas Special:  £549 + VAT (£658.80) click here or call +44 (0)20 8686 9952
If booked in next seven days

See foot of this email for some examples of Michael Carroll’s case studies

Thought Field Therapy Certification: 2 - 3 February 2013

With Kevin Laye

Attend this intensive weekend workshop and learn one of the most rapid therapies in the world designed to free others and yourself of pain, fear, phobias and stress within minutes. Thought Field Therapy is the art of tapping meridian points in the body in sequence to release emotional blockages and balance the body’s energy system. This is a fantastic complementary course to the Healing with NLP and Hypnosis workshop. Kevin Laye is one of the most accomplished TFT therapists in the UK and was the person who introduced Paul Mckenna to the TFT system.
click here or call +44 (0)20 8686 9952

Christmas Special

Investment £499 +VAT (£598.80)
Christmas Special: £349 + VAT (£418.80) click here or call +44 (0)20 8686 9952
If booked in the next 7 days
Christmas Special

Whether this be an investment in yourself, for your family or your private practice, health is essential. We can all think of applications of these techniques and though making them readily available to others we can all live healthy and happy lives. With that in mind we have a very special Christmas offer for you.


Book both courses for £799 + VAT (£958.80)

click here or call +44 (0)20 8686 9952

After completing these courses, you will have studied, practiced and integrated three of the most effective systems for healing and continued health in the field of change work.  NLP, Hypnosis and TFT have an incredible track record. I personally have had some amazing experiences using NLP/Hypnosis for healing broken bones. I’ve also through deepening my connection with the unconscious mind have been able to utilise NLP and Hypnosis for day to day health maintenance to stay free of illness and pain, as well as helping others with the techniques that you have the opportunity to learn and perfect in the first few months of 2013 which I’ll explain further below.

Case Studies from Michael Carroll

Life changing is an understatement, when you facilitate a process of healing where the client’s prognosis is terminal, and yet with Hypnosis and NLP processes the person has a full recovery. Here are a few extracts, written directly by people Michael has worked with who have had medical conditions with no easy no medical cures. These are peoples’ personal healing stories, including one man with a prostate cancer reading so extreme, it seemed there was little hope, and another person with an incurable skin condition, well so they thought. Here is a link to some case studies. Click here

1. John’s story with Solar Urticaria :

2. Charles story with Prostate Cancer:

3. Sally’s story with Rib, Lung cancer:

Click here to read

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