Coaching the coach

October 14, 2012

When you are learning or developing skill you seek to achieve mastery, you do this through educating yourself through courses, books, one to one coaching, practice and other mediums. Once many people reach a certain level they stop, stop growing and developing their approaches they continue doing the same thing. This is particularly true in the field of NLP where year upon year trainers teach the same techniques, the same way and even tell the same jokes. When a person, company or product remains static and rests on the laurels ultimately the business, person or product will deteriorate and become outdated.

Which is why it is important to keep growing, keep educating yourself and continue to be coached. So if you are in the field of NLP, keep assisting, attend an advanced workshop each year, read new material from overlapping fields and find a formal or informal coach on the same wavelength. This will keep you and your ideas fresh. The effect of this is that you will keep raising your game and keep getting better and better. I have completed the formal NLP qualifications this doesn’t mean I’m stopping I’ve recently enrolled on a part time course through the open university learning a overlapping topic, Social science. I’m reading new material almost every day and I’m talking and being mentored by the best in the field, the result Is each day I’m better than the previous one and provide a better service to each client and group I see and teach. This is the attitude Grinder, Bostic and Carroll all hold and pass on to their students religiously and the ethos that was behind the creation of NLP continual excellence, no room for complacency here.

Until next time


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