Learning Locations

January 5, 2013

Where’s your’s?


Now what is the benefit of knowing your learning/reflective locations? In the New Code of NLP our clients spatially mark out a place around the where they are activating a state where they’d like a different of experience, we then use one of the many different new code processes to activate an enhanced state to apply to the spatially anchored location where a rapid unconscious assimilation occurs, the chain of excellence is evident. (I’m releasing a blog on the chain of excellence next week) and an improved performance or difference in experience occurs next time you enter the context. Now knowing your own personal locations where you access enhanced states relevant to the activity your undertaking (Motivation/relaxation/clarity ect..) you can conduct this same process yourself without the need for a coach to pick up your state or access all that is attached to this place which you may not consciously understand. Not only will you find increased performance through going to what I’m calling here a learning location , but the state itself attached to your learning location will automatically trigger next time you undertake the same activity in any location, pretty cool eh!

So now become aware of your learning locations and see how much more effective you can be when you go to the right place and enjoy the results.



About The Author

Jack Carroll has been directly part of the NLP Academy team since November 2009, though has been around the Academy most of his life. He works at the Academy on a daily basis heading the client services team, running coaching sessions and delivering some of our programs.
He is also an associate trainer at the NLP Academy and can be seen presenting sessions at various practice groups and courses.

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